Thursday, April 22, 2010

May 2010 Meeting

Monday, May 3, 2010
7 p.m.

Barnes & Noble
Park Meadows

Speaker: Elaine Clampitt
Topic: A Writer's Vision

Whether in writing or other areas of life, have you ever plunged in feet first without having a clear idea of your vision or mission? Is your vision God-given or about self-fulfillment? Is perfectionism halting your progress? What do you do when obstacles come up that seem to prevent you from fulfilling that vision? Join Elaine on May 3rd as she shares how to “write the vision” (Habakkuk 2:2) and discover how this can impact your writing journey.

Elaine Clampitt has owned her own company, worked for a well-known Christian singer/songwriter and fulfilled her love for numbers as treasurer of a local, private high school and helping with a local hockey organization. Her interests are encouraging others and watching as many Avs games as possible. A recent “empty-nester”, she is now pursuing her passion for writing and ice hockey through her website She belongs to ACFW and is Mile High Scribes Secretary/Treasurer.