Monday, June 7, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
Park Meadows
Speaker: Jeff Gerke
Topic: "The Last Show vs. Tell Class You'll Ever Need"
You've heard "Show, don't tell" so many times...but what does it mean? How can you know if you're doing it? How can you stop? What's so bad about it? Is it possible to convert telling to showing? Is telling ever okay? Jeff's clear and memorable teaching on this topic will finally give you the handle you've needed on this fundamental fiction skill.
Jeff has been called the de facto gatekeeper of Christian science fiction and fantasy. From his own published fiction to his days at three major Christian publishing companies to his current endeavor as publisher of Marcher Lord Press, Jeff has been an unfailing champion of Christian speculative fiction. The weird stuff. Jeff's The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction has become a conference favorite across the country. His new fiction craft book from Writer's Digest Books, Plot vs. Character, releases in October of this year. He and his wife of 20 years live in Colorado Springs with their daughter and son and a special needs baby girl from China who they adopted.
Barnes & Noble
Park Meadows
Speaker: Jeff Gerke
Topic: "The Last Show vs. Tell Class You'll Ever Need"
You've heard "Show, don't tell" so many times...but what does it mean? How can you know if you're doing it? How can you stop? What's so bad about it? Is it possible to convert telling to showing? Is telling ever okay? Jeff's clear and memorable teaching on this topic will finally give you the handle you've needed on this fundamental fiction skill.
Jeff has been called the de facto gatekeeper of Christian science fiction and fantasy. From his own published fiction to his days at three major Christian publishing companies to his current endeavor as publisher of Marcher Lord Press, Jeff has been an unfailing champion of Christian speculative fiction. The weird stuff. Jeff's The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction has become a conference favorite across the country. His new fiction craft book from Writer's Digest Books, Plot vs. Character, releases in October of this year. He and his wife of 20 years live in Colorado Springs with their daughter and son and a special needs baby girl from China who they adopted.