I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of work I accomplished. As social as I am, I didn’t anticipate a highly productive writing day.
“We have to do this more often,” I reflected aloud as my fingers flew over the keys.
“Um hmm,” they muttered into their laptops.
The creativity was flowing so freely, I thought of asking for a ‘to go’ box, or at the very least, another couple of days.
Convinced yet? Ready to plan your own? Below are a few tips.
What to bring to a write out:
* Laptop
* Cord for laptop
* Lunch money
* Water
* Chocolate
* Idea’s
* Camera
* Pen and paper
* Light jacket
* Reading glasses
* Ipod
Other tips:
* Turn off your cell phone -Leave your family problems at home. They'll survive without you.
* Make a plan – stick to a schedule
* Drink plenty of water
* Take several projects so you can chose one that inspires you
* Go somewhere away from home
* Be prepared to socialize – but not too much.
Reasons to Plan a Write Out:
* Spend an entire day writing, free from distractions
* To bounce ideas off each other
* The creative energy is palatable