Wednesday, September 22, 2010

October 2010 Meeting

Monday October 4, 2010
7:00 p.m.

Barnes & Noble
Lone Tree

Speaker: Leslie Pfeil
Medical Mayhem:
Strategies to accurately depict medical fact in your fiction

Come and learn all about the common mistakes writers make when depicting a medical scene in their stories. We will analyze published works and study where they went awry. We will also go over research strategies that will help keep writers on the right track.

Leslie Pfeil is a nurse specializing in critical care and emergency nursing for seventeen years and is currently employed as a pediatric emergency nurse at The Children’s Hospital in Colorado. She holds specialized certification for critical care nursing and has taught CPR and advanced resuscitation courses for over two decades. Leslie was published in 2006 in the medical textbook Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Children: A Medical, Legal and Forensic Approach. Her chapter was the only nursing contribution and focused on caring for the abusive head trauma patient in the emergency and critical care settings. Leslie lectures extensively to medical professionals from EMS workers to physicians in the areas of pediatric assessment, management of pediatric emergencies and identification and treatment of child abuse injuries. In addition, she is a finalist in the 2010 ACFW Genesis Contest. She belongs to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and the American Christian Fiction Writer’s groups. She writes under the pen-name Jordyn Redwood.