1. My Doc would not renew prescription over the phone so spent an hour of time at her office.
2. Walgreens did not receive faxed prescription so I had to return later.
3. Toilet clogged and overflowed. My DH rescued me there.
4. Dropped an entire cooler full of bottled water – a mess
5. Fan fell apart. It was old.
6. “Better than Lather” spilled all over my travel bag. Soooo much lather I finally ended up throwing it in the wash.
7. Still do not have reservations. Phone tag with the reservationist.
8. Ink ran out while printing one- sheets.
9. No appointments set up with editors/agents.
I can’t wait to see what God is going to do. Obviously, the enemy is going his best to sabotage me, but he is not going to win.
I imagine those who are going to CCWC are experiencing all sorts of distractions. Please keep us in your prayers this week. God has something awesome cooking!
· Traveling protection
· Wellness – I’m fighting something off
· Divine appointments
· Wisdom and Direction
· My MIL while I’m gone
· God will use me while I’m here
These shots were take this evening before the general session. Aren't these elk magnificent?